Dr. Elliott Taylor is a founding Principal and Senior Scientist with Polaris Applied Sciences, Inc. He is recognized as a leader in oil spill response preparedness, development and implementation of contingency plans, and technical support for environmental issues in oil spill response.
He has over 35 years of experience in oil spill response and was a technical advisor for the shoreline response program on the Deepwater Horizon spill and for multiple other incidents. He has managed the preparation of comprehensive spill preparedness programs for international operations in North and South America, Africa, Middle East, and Russia.
Dr. Taylor is included on the IMO roster of technical experts and consultants for oil spill response and has led international IMO/OPRC workshops and activities focused on training, planning, and response capacity assessment with the goal of enhancing national and regional response programs. His collaboration with API, ARPEL, IMO, and Ipieca contributed to the development and recent updates of the RETOS tools for assessing oil spill planning and preparedness programs.