Speakers at Interspill

Igartua, Amaia

Master of Science, SINTEF

Igartua, Amaia

Amaia Igartua is currently working as a Master of Science at SINTEF Ocean (Norway), where she investigates the behaviour and impact of plastic pollutants in marine environment, specializing in environmental analytical chemistry with a focus on persistent pollutants. Having worked with cutting-edge analytical techniques, she is committed to advancing our understanding of how plastics and their associated chemicals persist in the environment and affect marine life.

Recently, Amaia has turned attention to the fate of plastics in the ocean, particularly the environmental consequences of plastic nurdle spills. Her goal is to bridge the gap between scientific research and environmental policy, ensuring that innovative research leads to practical solutions for the global plastic pollution crisis. Amaia is excited to share her latest findings and insights of Nurdletrack project at the Interspill Conference.