Clare has extensive professional experience working as an analytical/marine chemist gained over the last 20 years or more. For the past seven years she has been employed by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences (Cefas), currently as Principal Marine Chemist and before that as Hydrocarbons Technical Manager, both based at the Cefas Lowestoft laboratory. Clare’s expertise includes analysis and interpretation of hydrocarbon contaminants in the marine environment (notably persistent organic pollutants Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)), environmental forensics for sources of pollution, and oil spill fingerprinting.
In 2023 she was nominated by UK government as co-chair of the Bonn Agreement Oil Spill Identification Network of Experts (Bonn OSINet), who conduct annual inter-laboratory exercises, R&D and method development, which she co-leads with her German counterpart. Bonn OSINet also provides mutual support, cooperation and assistance in the event of an oil spill by the 11 signatory countries. Clare is a member of the Marine Chemistry Working Group (MCWG) under the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and they meet annually. Prior to Cefas Clare worked for a wide variety of institutions and organisations including private consultancies, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, and the Australian Government, and has also participated in several scientific research expeditions to the sub/Antarctic. Clare’s current focus includes chemistry leadership, science excellence and innovation, and a passion for science communication. She has delivered numerous workshops in her areas of expertise and many inter/national presentations. Her current work extends to using geochemical tools for R&D applications including ‘Blue Carbon’.