Speakers at Interspill

Cotte, Dr Laura

Junior Engineer - Research Department, Cedre

Cotte, Dr Laura

Laura Cotte, PhD, is a marine chemist specializing in metal chemistry in deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Her PhD research at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge enhanced her expertise in electrochemistry, analytical chemistry, and trace metal analysis. She gained significant field experience during two scientific expeditions in the Atlantic Ocean and a five-month research internship at the Ruđer Bošković Institute in Croatia.

Following her PhD, Laura transitioned into European project management, working at Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique and Shom until 2021. She then joined Cedre’s Research Department as a chemical engineer, managing the technical and administrative aspects of the MANIFESTS EU project. Her work focused on lab and pilot-scale experiments to understand the behaviour of HNS when accidentally released at sea.

Since securing a permanent position in 2022, Laura has expanded her role to include Cedre’s cross-disciplinary activities, research proposal development, scientific project management, and the characterization of emerging pollutants in the environment.