Speakers at Interspill

Brandvik, Per Johan

Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF

Brandvik, Per Johan

Per Johan Brandvik is a Senior Scientist at SINTEF Ocean in Trondheim, Norway and an adjunct Professor in Marine Pollution at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

His PhD back in 1997 focused on optimizing surfactant composition in oil spill dispersant as a function of oil properties and oil weathering degree.

Dr. Brandvik has worked with oil weathering processes, fate and behavior of marine oil spills and its influence on operational oil spill contingency for more than 30 years.

The main focus for his R&D activity the last 10 years has been on subsea releases of oil and gas and the effect of subsea dispersant injection (SSDI) and subsea mechanical dispersion (SSMD).

Dr. Brandvik has led the subsea activity at SINTEF Ocean for many years and been the principal investigator on a large number of both national and international research program.