Speakers at Interspill

Bergion, Dr Viktor

Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Division of Geology and Geotechnics, Chalmers University of Technology

Bergion, Dr Viktor

Viktor Bergion is a Postdoc in the research area Engineering Geology within the Division of Geology and Geotechnics at the Chalmers University of Technology. Viktors research is focused on combining cost-benefit analysis with risk assessments in different types of water systems.

Viktor has developed methods for sustainable reduction of microbial health risks in drinking water systems using hydrological transportation models as risk assessment tools in combination with cost-benefit analysis for decision-making. In a recently started project, oil spill risks posed by shipwrecks are being assessed using socio-economic impacts assessment. Trajectory modelling of oil spills from wrecks is combined with ecosystem impact and socio-economic impact assessments to prioritise oil removal measures in Swedish waters. Research outcomes can be used by a wide range of authorities responsible for water management to be used as decision support for maintaining sustainable water environments.