Ben's oceanographic underwater robotics experience spans over 20 years. He began his career working with the Argo program and Apex Floats at Webb Research and ultimately took on the role of Slocum Glider Product Line Manager as the company transitioned to Teledyne Webb Research. In his role as TWR's Slocum Glider Technical Support Manager he supported the company's AUV users globally. Under his stewardship the internally-owned and operated fleet grew to encompass 7 vehicles with thousands of "autonomous days at sea." His piloting experience includes managing a world's first— an AUV circumnavigating the Atlantic ocean over a period of 5 years. He has trained over 500 users, supervised the final test of over 750 vehicles and dozens of firmware releases, and is considered an expert by his peers. Today, as part of NOC's glider engineering team, he assists in developing new glider capabilities, including new sensor development, the integration of a back seat driver, and the launch of shoreside AI vehicle piloting.