IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and security of shipping and the prevention of marine and atmospheric pollution by ships. IMO's work supports the UN SDGs.
As a specialized agency of the United Nations, IMO is the global standard-setting authority for the safety, security and environmental performance of international shipping. Its main role is to create a regulatory framework for the shipping industry that is fair and effective, universally adopted and universally implemented.
EMSA’s mission is to serve EU maritime interests for a safe, secure, green and competitive maritime sector and act as a reliable and respected point of reference in the maritime sector in Europe and worldwide.
EMSA capitalises on its unique know-how to position itself as an essential player in the maritime cluster in Europe and beyond.
EMSA works on maritime safety, security, climate, environment and single market issues and tasks, first as a service provider to Member States and the Commission, but also as an innovative and reliable partner and knowledge hub for the European maritime cluster and potentially beyond as a reference internationally.
ITOPF has responded to over 840 incidents involving oil or chemical spills worldwide. Our highly skilled international team are ready to assist 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to provide impartial technical advice.
ITOPF operates on a not-for-profit basis. We provide a wide range of technical services to back up our core role of responding to ship-sourced spills. The five key services that we offer are spill response, claims analysis & damage assessment, contingency planning and advisory work, training and education and information.
Our services are provided to our Members (tanker owners) or Associates (other shipowners) and their oil pollution insurers (normally one of the P&I Clubs), and we also offer our services at the request of governments and intergovernmental organisations such as IMO and the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPC Funds).
ITOPF has offices in London and Singapore. Our team of around 45 staff - 20 of whom are available to respond to spills - combined with over half a century of first-hand spill response experience, is what makes us truly unique.
Ipieca is the global oil and gas association dedicated to advancing environmental and social performance across the energy transition. It brings together members and stakeholders to lead in integrating sustainability by advancing climate action, environmental responsibility and social performance across oil, gas and renewables activities.
Ipieca was founded at the request of the United Nations Environment Programme in 1974. Through its non-lobby and collaborative approach Ipieca remains the industry’s principal channel of engagement with the UN.
The International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPC Funds) provide financial compensation for oil pollution damage that occurs in Member States, resulting from spills of persistent oil from tankers.
The history of the IOPC Funds began with the oil spill from the Torrey Canyon, which ran aground near the Scilly Isles in 1967, fouling UK and French coastlines. This incident exposed a number of serious shortcomings, in particular the absence of an international agreement on liability and compensation in the event of such a spill. It led the international community to establish, under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a regime for compensation for victims of oil pollution.
With its expertise in accidental water pollution, Cedre has been operating in France and abroad for nearly 40 years. Its multidisciplinary team is composed of 50 technicians, engineers and scientists.
Cedre’s fundamental purpose is to provide advice and expertise to French and foreign authorities and private businesses in charge of spill response. Since 2014, they have also been appointed by the French Ministry of Ecology to run the surveillance network for litter and microplastics in shoreline sediment.
NOSCA Clean Oceans is developed from the organisation Norwegian Oil Spill Control Association, where the members have cooperated around sales and marketing of Norwegian oil spill control technology all over the world with great success since 1993.
As an innovation cluster, we transfer technology, knowledge, and competence from 45 years of oil spill experience to battle unwanted effects from algae and ocean plastic, as we keep evolving our oil spill control expertise.
NOSCA Clean Oceans gives the members an arena for increased cooperation and innovation within the cluster’s focus areas, where the goal is to develop sustainable systems, products, and solutions fitting within our knowledge- and value chain.
The Spill Response Group Holland represents a selection of private companies, governmental, research, and academic organizations active in the maritime sector with a focus on spill prevention, preparedness, response and control for all aspects of marine, inland waters and coastal pollution control worldwide.
In recent years Spill Response Group Holland members have proven their skills across the globe and have become international leaders in their fields of expertise. Members include manufacturers of spill response equipment and materials, spill response organizations, oil disposal contractors, consultancy companies, R&D institutes, training providers, salvage companies, contractors and shipbuilding companies.
SYCOPOL is a French organisation comprising equipment manufacturers and service providers engaged in pollution control
SYCOPOL (OIL SPILL CONTROL ASSOCIATION) is a group of companies involved with the control of water and ground pollution at an international level.
SYCOPOL FRANCE brings together equipment manufacturers, chemical producers and service suppliers
UK and Ireland Spill Association (UKEireSpill) is the national trade body for companies, organisations and individuals involved in spill and incident management.
It has over 100 member companies who are spill and incident responders, consultants, product manufacturers and client organisations including those that store and distribute oil and chemicals, insurers, brokers and loss adjusters working in the industry in the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and internationally.
Of these members, 70 are actively involved in spill and incident response in the UK and Republic of Ireland and are accredited members who have been audited and demonstrated their competence to become accredited members of the International Spill Accreditation Scheme (ISAS). They are accredited in their area (s) of particular competence; Spill Responder, Inland surface water, Remediation of spills affecting groundwater, Remediation of spills impacting soils and property, Road tanker roll-over, Hazmat Spill Responder – Chemical Spill (Inland), Marine Spill Responder and Spill Consultancy.
Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) is the largest international industry-funded cooperative which exists to respond to oil spills wherever in the world they may occur, by providing preparedness, response and intervention services. We are wholly owned by our members and our membership represents the majority of global oil production. We currently employ 275 people across 12 locations around the world.
For nearly 40 years, OSRL has been on a journey to address the changing needs of our members and helping them ensure they have oil spill preparedness in place and are ready to respond to oil spills. Our mission and charter, established in 1995, continues to guide the way we operate today.
Our rivers, seas and the ocean are facing significant global threats. These precious environments regulate our climate, are home to up to 80% of life on earth and provide essential resources that we all rely on. Many are now seriously degraded and communities around the world are facing the devastating consequences of climate change, biodiversity loss, energy and food insecurity, animal disease, and pollution.
Cefas, the Centre for Environment, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Science, is an Executive Agency of Defra (the UK Government’s Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs). Through innovative solutions and world leading applied science we work to ensure a sustainable future for our rivers, seas and the ocean, supporting healthy and productive marine and freshwater ecosystem.